...When the Out-of-Town Gays Are Collecting for Memorial Day

Gay Catholic school teacher fired in Las Vegas for his MySpace profile. He's attracted to baseball-cap wearing, Wrangler-drivers into meditation, progressive politics and and hiking. How they ever figured out he was gay is beyond me. Click here for the Aritcle. Click here for the profile, or if you know of any open teaching jobs.
The Human Clock - Humanclock.com shows a photograph of the current time, with the photo changing every minute of the day (all 1,440 occuring minutes on Earth!) Thus you end up with a rotating picture clock sorta deal.
There are clock pictures from all over the world ranging from Outback Australia to Canada to Pakistan to Antarctica to Italy to Brazil. Other people travel around the American Southwest and end up taking a clock photo on a corner in Winslow, Arizona. There are even enough clock photos now to have pictures from Phoenix Arizona, Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, LA, and Northern California.
This guy has no real explanation as to why this site exists, but I have no real explanation for receommending it other than I was at it for half an hour today.