...When I Have Three Coupons for Free Big Macs in My Wallet and I'm Fighting the Urge

It was while browsing the summaries for the upcoming fall season tv pilots with gay characters on AfterElton.com (The Class seems to be sporting the best behind-the-scenes pedigree, but am I the only one who doesn't get the appeal of Jason Ritter??) that I discovered the very delicious Jonathan Lapaglia (his pilot is Brothers and Sisters on CBS). Now, I have always had a soft spot for older brother Anthony - fat, thin, before and after the dreaded hip replacement - I've been loving his ass since he took over for Daniel Benzali on Murder One. But what rock has little brother been hiding under? Apparently, Jonathan is a former ER doctor in Australia, so we know he's smart, we know he's well-educated, and we know he can save us a fortune on medical bills, get us free Vicodin, and swab a penis whenever necessary. I guess I'm only uncertain on whether or not his talents as an actor live up to his looks or the acting chops of older bro, whose show Without a Trace looks so disgustingly cookie-cutter and beneath his abilities I've never bothered to watch.
Oh, and Jonathan, if you read this, in full disclosure, I am happily taken by the incredibly sexy, imaginative, and brilliantly original Michael Granberry, so ours is a love that can exist only in the boundaries of cyberspace. I say that not only because it's true, but because Michael is one of three people currently reading my blog on a regular basis and I can't afford to alienate him.
Check out these extreme treehouses from DanielsWoodland.com. And I had to settle for a single plank of wood nailed to the side of the banana tree over the pool house. Via Neatorama
I can no longer avoid the Cadbury Egg Cake! It's on every blog I see, which is enough reason NOT to put it here. I don't want Jonahatan Lapaglia to think I'm fat. Via Live Journal
A tribute to me... the new website's looking fine - GaryGreenLives.com
color me number four gary, you're blog is one of my daily clicks. love that you've been posting more often since moving to blogger.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:31 PM
Thanks Tejaz! That means a lot. It's so much easier to post things now. Send me your site and I'll link ya! Gromek66@hotmail.com
Miss ya on FTB!
Posted by
Gary Green |
3:35 PM
Nice site!
[url=http://coqdggtl.com/aaxw/vnns.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://nrytvjvw.com/gisu/widt.html]Cool site[/url]
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:54 AM
Good design!
http://coqdggtl.com/aaxw/vnns.html | http://whcvotym.com/tkid/mhdt.html
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:57 AM