...When We Have Only One Week Left and We're Getting Irritable

The 50 Greatest Independent Films of All TIme and Run Lola Run is way too low - Empire Online
Handicapped Pets are NOT funny! No, they're not! We should NEVER LAUGH at handicapped pets. Especially the beagle in the top right-hand corner. I mean it. I DO! I'm totally serious. Repeat after me... HANDICAPPED PETS ARE HYSTERICAL... oh, dammit! What's wrong with me? Maybe it's not me. Maybe it's the handicapped pets via Neatorama
Once Upon a Time There Were Three Little Girls Who Worked at The Price is Right... Janice, Diane, and Holly. They were everyone's favorites, and were each assigned very hazardous duties like opening freezers, showcasing RV's, and standing there a lot. But Bob opened his fly, pulled out his Plinko, and got a little handsy with them, and now they're all on unemployment. Here, you can re-live the classic era of TPIR, with the three most famous Barker's Beauties, some of the long-lost games, great bloopers, and the episode where everyone was blotto. TPIR.tv - hours of fun!