...When I Spent Two Hours Photoshopping a Pic of One Life to Live's Jean-Paul Lavoisier and I Actually Got Paid to Do It
Click Here for the naked shower salute to The Jeffersons theme song

Smokin' hot stud Colin Egglesfield is snagging almost as many clicks as every post about The Cleaning Hunk combined, with the help of a slamming hyperlink over at Tottyland. But PYT Jimmy McNichol still gets my heart pounding after all these years. Anyone know what he looks like today?
Shriltess World Cup Studs at Lone Star Verve
From D-Listed, Matthew McConaughey had better lay off the McMilkyWays!
Martha Wash sings "It's Raining Men" on I've Got a Secret. To see the post with the actual gameplay and the unforgettable response by Jermaine Taylor, click here or just scroll down past the shirtless Colin pics and The Little House on the Prairie fire.
The New York State Supreme Court ruled earlier today that gays can not wed in New York. If you're in New York, or can forward this bulletin to friends in New York, please join to protest this decision. It will take place on the site of the historic Stonewall Riots. New York City
Start time: 6:00 PM
Location: Sheridan Square (Christopher Street and 7th Avenue, Manhattan), site of the historical Stonewall uprising
Rain location: LGBT Community Center, 208 West 13th Street