...When the Remodel Date for My Big Gay Starbucks Has Again Been Postponed So I Don't Have to Pitch Myself Into Traffic on May 15th as Planned

The next time you're whining about jury duty, and your lame-ass friends give you such useless advice as, "Just tell them you're racist," or "Say you hate all law enforcement," just remember this little ditty, get your ass in the car and go sit in the jury pool room. It's not all bad. There's usually a jigsaw puzzle - MSNBC
Dateline: New Hampshire - The Pillsbury Doughboy has been kidnapped! Captors promise a poke in the belly for each hour their demands aren't met - CBS
Mini Kiss continues its plans to overtake the world - Official Website
"Always enter a conversations with a drink you are about to finish. If things don't go well, all you need to do is take one last gulp from your drink and excuse yourself to get another, never to return." "If the conversation is going well, finish your drink and ask the other person if you can get them anything when you go to get another. They will appreciate the gesture even if they decline, and it impies that you'll be returning for a longer conversation."
Brilliant! More tricks of the trade here - TradeTricks.org
World's oldest woman celebrates 128th birthday, and doesn't look a day over 114. Spends most of her days sleeping, and no longer speaks. Ah, that's the life - Reuters
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1:10 AM
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2:40 AM