Oh My God.... Shoes (Kelly Likes Shoes)
Click Here to advance to the ForTheBoys TV demo
Click Here for the naked shower salute to The Jeffersons theme song
If you're an obsessed, whatever-the-cost-give-them-to-me-now shoe whore with a penchant for cops with billy clubs, parents with party hats and flaming hula hoops, this is the video for you. You will be repeating the phrase "Oh my God, bitch. These shoes are mine." until your friends want to smack you with a week-old baguette.
Click Here for the naked shower salute to The Jeffersons theme song
If you're an obsessed, whatever-the-cost-give-them-to-me-now shoe whore with a penchant for cops with billy clubs, parents with party hats and flaming hula hoops, this is the video for you. You will be repeating the phrase "Oh my God, bitch. These shoes are mine." until your friends want to smack you with a week-old baguette.
So I am so addicted to this song right now and watching the video.. I am walking around saying "shoes, let's get some shoes."
watch it !!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:38 PM
I love shoes, too, and now I love this video!
Posted by
Michael Granberry |
2:52 PM
omg this is great! btw, margaret cho (whom i love)recently shared a video she directed for "the music lovers" on her blog and kelly was in it. see 6-28.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:35 PM
omg... me and my friends at school do the "these shoes rule... these shoes suck" part like all day even through maths.... this song is totally cool!!!!!!! watch it now!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:41 PM
"stupid boy, stupid boy" omg!!!! My cuz showed me this movie and it is so totly awosome!!!!!!!! "those shoes are mine B****"
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:01 PM
i LLOOOOOOOOOOVVEEEE this !!! shoes is awesome....kick ass!!!! this song rules....
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:03 AM
these shoes ar 300 f***ing dollars!!!...
...lets get 'em!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:43 AM
me and my friends did one like shoes but it wasent as good LOL i love shoes OMG SHOES
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:51 AM