...When You See the Still, You Know What it's Gonna Be, and if You Don't Like That Kind of Thing, You Should Just Move On (But the End is Real Funny!)
Click Here to advance to the ForTheBoys TV demo
Click Here for the naked shower salute to The Jeffersons theme song
My cat looks just like this one, but isn't nearly as enlightened (or clumsy). I love that kitty gets to make a big entrance. I like to make big entrances, too! And kitty totally goes out on a high note as well. Always leave 'em wanting more, Fluffy!
Click Here to advance to the ForTheBoys TV demo.
Click Here for the naked shower salute to The Jeffersons theme song
Click Here for the naked shower salute to The Jeffersons theme song
My cat looks just like this one, but isn't nearly as enlightened (or clumsy). I love that kitty gets to make a big entrance. I like to make big entrances, too! And kitty totally goes out on a high note as well. Always leave 'em wanting more, Fluffy!
Click Here to advance to the ForTheBoys TV demo.
Click Here for the naked shower salute to The Jeffersons theme song
OMFG!!! I laughed so hard I almost made myself sick. Smelly cat, smelly cat...what have they been feeding you? LOL Thanks for the potty humor giggle.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:56 PM