...When I Can't Decide... To Dominos or Not to Dominos (Michael, Where Are You When I Need You??)

On Sunday, April 2, 2006 the USC student vice president traveled to Washington, DC to voice students' concerns to members of Congress. On Monday, April 3, members of the Student Senate purchased $80 worth of balloons. What you are about to see may be disturbing to people without a sense of humor. Spaz boy is destined to end up in the bell tower with a rifle - Look At Me Being Serious
On this day a rare February Rainbow was seen here in Northern Missouri at sunset. This rainbow was visible over much of the area and was noticed by many people. It was seen as a partial bow in some areas and completely full and even double in others depending on where the rain was falling. The photos on this page were taken at the Elam Bend Conservation Area near McFall, Missouri. - Missourri Skies via Fazed.net
AOL reveals plans to build its own social-networking site already being referred to as the "MySpace Killer" - InternetNews.com
At one point, the THX sound was being played 4,000 times a day at cinemas around the world (that's once every 20 seconds). Here's all you need to know about the creation of the theme - MusicThingBlogspot.com.
wow! at the rainbo pics, and lol that you said spaz.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:27 PM