...When Lance Bass Did It the Hard Way

Um... really, you don't need to go to the trouble of peddling what all of the gay world and about 99.9% of the straight world have known since about 2001 to a magazine. Just do what I did. One quick taping of myself naked in the shower singing a television theme song from the seventies and you'll be surprised how quickly the "so why don't you have a girlfriend" questions evaporate into thin air. (fairly safe for work despite what the freeze frame may indicate)

"Oh, this one is sick. I'm sorry sometimes I even came up with it. Just be glad that you didn't!"
If you like what you see, click the ad at the end and send thirty cents into the pocket of my boyfriend, Michael Granberry, and his one-man animation company, Red Hatchet Films! Enjoy! (needs Quicktime)
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Yes, you are truly a bad singer. I only had a hint of it with the other WET TALENTS, but this confirms it. And it's totally safe for work. They show more on the WB! Hope there is more to come. You are quite the entertainer (ham).
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:17 PM
The only thing more fun than watching you have fun in the shower alone is being in there with you! I love you, my little hambone!
Posted by
Michael Granberry |
7:14 PM